Genetics of Five-needle Pines and Rusts of Forest Trees: An IUFRO joint conference
Conference: July 22-26, 2019
Extended field trip: July 26-29, 2019

Stalactiform Rust branch
IUFRO Sections 2.02.15 and 7.02.05. Other interested parties are invited to attend regardless of affiliation. Membership in the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is not required.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Within two weeks we will send around a Call for Abstracts. The abstract submission deadline will be approximately end of March 2019. Please indicate whether you are willing to submit your presentation as a poster, in case there are not enough time slots for all requested oral presentations.
REGISTRATION will be open within 3 weeks, as soon as we can finalize a few costs. A registration site will be established at the website of our host, the Western Forestry and Conservation Association, https://westernforestry.org/.
Purpose: This international meeting will address
- Breeding and genetic conservation of 5-needle pines, with special reference to screening and genetics programs for resistance to White Pine Blister rust (Cronartium ribicola). (2.02.15 IUFRO, https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-2/20000/20200/20215/).
- Update the current state of knowledge of research in rusts (including blister rust) of forest trees (7.02.05 IUFRO, https://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-7/70000/70200/70205/).
The conference will be held in conjunction with interested local attendees from other groups, including the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation, the Governments of BC, Alberta, and Canada, the USDA Forest Service, local universities, and industry partners. There will be 1.5-2 days of indoor presentations, a poster session, and 1-1.5 days of field trips to sites of local interest in 5-needle pines and forest pathology. This meeting follows up on previous successful meetings, including the last one in 2014 (see proceedings at https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/56054).

Comandra blister rust aeciospores 100x
Extended Field Trip: If there is sufficient interest, an extended field trip (3 days plus 1/2 day return travel) after the main meeting will travel to Banff, Alberta; up Highway 93 in the Canadian Rocky Mountains to Jasper, Alberta, then west on Highway 16 to Valemont, BC, visiting sites along the way. The route follows the spine of the Canadian Rocky Mountains; we will visit sites of natural beauty, historical interest, and relevance to forestry.
Participation: The number of participants will be limited to 80 due to venue size limitations. To help our planning, please fill the survey below (if you have not already) and respond to Dr. Ward Strong ([email protected]) if you are interested in this meeting. Please pass on this announcement to any other colleagues as well.
Location: Invermere, British Columbia, Canada (see map on next page). This beautiful site is in the headwaters of the Columbia Basin, flanked to the west by the Purcell Mountains and to the East by the Canadian Rocky Mountains. There are many opportunities to tour sites with forest research establishments, forestry diseases, and 5-needle pines.
Venue: Copper Point Resort. This is a full-service resort, conference center, and golf course, with stunning views and excellent facilities. A block of rooms is being held for the Conference until May 22, 2019. Rooms include regular hotel rooms (CDN $165 + tax), one-bedroom suites ($265+tax), and two-bedroom suites ($335+tax). Book early to ensure you secure a room. You can cancel within 2 days of the event with no penalty; If you cancel within 2 days you will be charged one night’s stay plus tax. Booking methods are below:
- Phone: call the central reservations line at: 1.855.926.7737. Request the group rate for this meeting.
- Email: [email protected]. Request the group rate for this meeting.
- Online: In order to make online reservations, please follow these steps:
- Go to Copper Point Resort website: https://www.copperpointresort.com
- Click “Check Availability” on home page
- Click “Add Code”
- Select “Group Attendee” from the drop-down list
- Type in your group code: FLNRO5N2019
- Select your stay dates, room type and then click to confirm your reservation
Other room options include the Best Western Hotel, Invermere (4 km), the Gateway hotel, Radium (14 km), the
Cedar Motel, Radium (14 km), and Panorama Mountain Resort (23 km). Because these rooms are a considerable
distance from the meeting venue, we encourage participants to stay at the Copper Point Resort.

Whitebark Pine Stein Valley
Preliminary Agenda:
Monday July 22: Arrive, Registration (evening)
Tues July 23: Presentations, poster session, Reception (19:00 – 21:00)
Wed July 24: All day field trips *OR* ½ day presentations, ½ day field trips, poster session, banquet or BBQ
Thurs July 25: All day presentations *OR* ½ day presentations, ½ day field trips, poster session
Friday July 26: travel home, OR
Fri 26-Monday 29: Extended field trip to Banff, Jasper, Valemont.
Agenda Topics: To help us build the agenda, please send ideas to the IUFRO working party coordinators, Pascal Frey
(Rust of Forest Trees, [email protected]) and Richard Sniezko (Genetics/Breeding of 5-needle pines,
[email protected]) and local organizer Ward Strong ([email protected]). We are particularly interested in
potential discussion session topics (that format worked well at the recent international resistance workshop
https://treeresistance2018.ca.uky.edu/ ). Pascal and Richard would also like to update the mailing lists for their respective
Link to IUFRO announcement with participant survey: