Media Inquiries
For all media inquiries, please email us at [email protected] with your contact information, upcoming deadline, and details on the nature of the story or information request. We have made the following media resources available for general and public use. You also can subscribe to the WPEF Media List to receive periodic news releases.
Media Kit
Media Kit Contents:
Organizational Profile
Speakers Bureau
Logos (full/white, full/blue, thumbnail)
Digital Branding Guidelines
Download Media Kit [.Zip File]
Whitebark Pine Photos for Media Use
A collection of whitebark pine photos have been made available for media use with permission from each photographer who maintains all copyright of their respective images. All photo use must be properly credited to the photographer as indicated on each photo. WPEF should be notified in advance of image use. Contact us to request use of the image and with any questions related to captions for specific photos of interest.