Restoration Plan Data
The National Whitebark Pine Restoration Plan (NWPRP) effort, led by the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation (WPEF), American Forests, and the US Forest Service, is asking various land management agencies to submit three core areas as high priority areas for whitebark pine restoration. Many levels of organization for the land management agencies that manage whitebark pine (i.e., USFS, BLM, tribal lands, state lands) have the spatial data needed to identify these core areas, but there are some organizations that do not have sufficient spatial data to perform a comprehensive prioritization. The NWPR Spatial Data Archive was compiled for them.
The NWPR Spatial Data Archive is a set of coarse scale (1 km) data layers that can be used to identify possible core areas of prioritization for the NWPRS effort. All layers are in USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83 projection. The archive is not intended as the standard or primary data source for prioritizing core areas for the NWPRS, but rather as a safety net for those who don’t have the local data to make wall to wall spatial analysis. The number of layers in the NWPR Spatial Data Archive will be constantly growing over time as new data sets become available.
Many of the layers in the NWPR Spatial Data Archive were created from other, higher resolution data; we resampled these original layers to the 1 km resolution to ensure all layers in the NWPR Spatial Data Archive had the same extent and resolution. We have all of the original data files and can share the links with those interested.
We selected the data layers to include in the archive based primarily on their availability and did not create any new data layers for this effort. We tried to include all layers that might be used to prioritize core areas. There are a set of data layers to identify where whitebark pine exists now and where it has the potential to exist. There are several layers that were used to quantify fire history and disturbance history. And we also included ownership and other layers.
Geospatial Data Inventory
Layer Library
Layer Library References
Data Call 1
Name | Download Link | Format | Source | Contact | Description | Units |
2019 WBP Distribution | wbpDist2019 | Geotiff | WPEF (2019) | Julee Shamhart, WPEF | 1 km raster layer of WBP presence covering the U.S. distribution | WBP Presence (1) |
Potential | Potential | Geotiff | Keane et al. (2012) | Bob Keane, USFS | Modeled layer to identify all areas that have the potential to support WBP | Presence (1) of WBP |
Dominant | Dominant | Geotiff | Keane et al. (2012) | Bob Keane, USFS | Modeled layer to identify all areas that are currently dominated by WBP | Presence (1) of WBP |
Existing | Existing | Geotiff | | Cyndi Smith, Adam Collingwood, Parks Canada, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta | Updated map of existing WBP distribution included Canada | Presence (1) of WBP |
Refugia | Refugia | Geotiff | Mahalovich et al. 2017 | Mary F. Mahalovich | Model predictions for WBP genetic refugia for current conditions (1981-2020 climate normal period) based on the representative concentration pathways (RCP) 4.5 and RCP 8.5 to capture the lower and upper bounds of uncertainty, respectively; and for mid-century (2011-2040) under RCP 8.5 to represent upper bound. No refugia predicted for mid-century lower bound5 scenario; hence , no grid layer included. | Presence (1) of WBP |
Viability | Geotiff | | Nicholas Crookston, USFS | Model predictions for viability of WBP for current conditions and future conditions under 3 global climate models (CGCM3, GFDLLCM21, HADCM3), 4 emission scenarios (A1B, A2, B1, B2), and years 2030, 2060, 2090; includes Canada. Note, layer for HADCM3, B2, year 2090 not available. | Species Viability Scores, 0-1 | |
Loss to Mountain Pine Beetle & Rust | loss_mpb_rust | Geotiff | | Frank Sapio, USFS | Percentage of WBP basal area lost to Mountain Pine Beetle & Blister Rust | Percent, 0-100 |
Loss to Mountain Pine Beetle & Rust by HUC6 watershed | loss_mpb_rust_hu6 | Geotiff | | Frank Sapio, USFS | Percentage of WBP basal area lost to Mountain Pine Beetle & Blister Rust summarized to HUC6 watershed | Proportion, 0-1 |
Total basal area of all tree spp. | total_basal_area | Geotiff | | Frank Sapio, USFS | Total basal area across all tree species | Square feet per acre, 0 – 1,243 |
Tree presence | tree_presence | Geotiff | | Frank Sapio, USFS | Tree presence or absence (also known as ‘Treed areas’) | Presence (1) or absence (0) |
Mountain Pine Beetle aerial detection surveys | Not yet available |
Name | Format | Source | Contact | Description | Units | Download Link |
Region 6 | Geotiff | O:\NFS\R06\Program\Botany\Whitebark Pine\GIS | Andrew Bower, USFS | WBP distribution in USFS Region 6 | Presence (1) of WBP | R6_wbp |
GYA probability | Geotiff | | Andrew Chang, Montana State University | Probability of suitable WBP habitat in Greater Yellowstone Area (GYA) for recent year (2010) and future conditions based on 1 global climate model (ENS_AVG), 2 representative concentration pathways (RCP 4.5 and 8.5), and years 2040,2070, 2099 | Probability of suitable WBP habitat, 0-1 | GYA_probability |
Flathead National Forest | Not Yet Available | |||||
Salish/Kootenai Tribes | Not Yet Available |
Name | Format | Source | Contact | Description | Units | Download Link |
LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings | ArcGIS grid | | Rollins, Matthew, USFS | Vegetation dominant prior to Euro-American settlement based on biophysical environment & historical disturbance regime (version 2014) | LANDFIRE Vegetation classification system | bps |
LANDFIRE Existing vegetation type | ArcGIS grid | | Rollins, Matthew, USFS | Existing vegetation type (version 2014) | LANDFIRE Vegetation classification system | evt |
LANDFIRE Canopy bulk density | ArcGIS grid | | Rollins, Matthew, USFS | Forest canopy bulk density (version 2014) | Density of available canopy fuel in a stand, 1-45 (kg m-3 * 100) | cbd |
LANDFIRE Fuel loading model | ArcGIS grid | | Rollins, Matthew, USFS | Wildland surface fuel classification with representative loading for each fuel component (version 2014) | LANDFIRE fuel classification system | flm |
VMAP Existing dominant vegetation – Region 1 | ArcGIS grid | Barber 2012 | Jed Gregory, USFS | Mid-level existing vegetation classification for USFS Region 1 | Region 1 mid-level vegetation classification | vmap |
Elevation | Geotiff | | USGS | Digital elevation model, includes Canada | meters | dem |
Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 4,6,8 | ArcGIS grid | | USGS | Watershed Boundary Datasets defining areal extent of water drainages, at Subregion (HUC4), Basin (HUC6), and Subbasin (HUC8) levels, includes Canada. | Hydrologic Unit Codes, with associated watershed names | huc |
US fire perimeters | Geotiff | | Jeffrey Eidenshink, USGS | Year of last fire, 1984-2015 | Year | us_fire_perimeters |
US fire severity | Geotiff | | Jeffrey Eidenshink, USGS | Severity class of most recent fire, 1985-2015 | Burn severity classification, 1-6 | us_fire_severity |
Canadian fire perimeters | Geotiff | | Canadian National Fire database | Year of last fire, 1917-2016, for Alberta & British Columbia provinces | Year | can_fire_perimeters |
Forest Inventory Analysis WBP plots | Geotiff | | Greg Reams, USFS | Number of WBP trees (live and dead, 5 inches DBH and greater) inventoried in each FIA forest inventory plot | Number of WBP trees / 168 m2 | fia_count |
Land ownership | ArcGIS grid | US:; Canada: | US: Lisa Johnson, USGS; Canada: Brian MacSharry, UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre | Managing agencies of public lands at the state/province and federal levels, including Canada. US lands additionally classified as non-wilderness, wilderness, and wilderness study areas. | Public land agency ownership | ownership |
Roads | Geotiff | US:; Canada: | US: USGS, National Geospatial Technical Operations Center; Canada: Government of Canada; Statistics Canada; | Roads of any size, includes Canada. | Presence (1) or absence (0) | roads |
Trails | Not yet available | |||||
US Western states | ArcGIS grid | | FracTrackerAlliance | 11 western US states | State name | us_states |
Canadian provinces | ArcGIS grid | | Government of Canada; Statistics Canada; | Alberta and British Columbia provinces | Province name | alb_bc |
Ecoregion | ArcGIS grid | | US EPA | LEVEL III EPA Ecoregions | Ecoregion Name | ecoregions |