Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation (WPEF)

We are a science-based non-profit dedicated to counteracting the decline of whitebark pine and enhancing knowledge about the value of its ecosystems.


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Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation
PO Box 17943
Missoula, Montana 59808

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Thanks to everyone who was able to participate in our virtual conference!

If you weren’t able to make the live webinar, you can watch a recording here:

Webinar Video

The 2020 Virtual WPEF Annual Science and Management Conference: Information on high elevation five needle pine ecosystems in the era of COVID-19

September 16 2020, 1-4pm & 5-7pm social (Mountain Time)

Register Now

Open your calendars and schedule 1-4pm September 16 2020 as a must-do event. As most of you know, the H5II conference was rescheduled for October 5-7 2021. So, in keeping with the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation (WPEF) tradition, we have decided to hold a Science and Management Meeting in a virtual format on September 16 2020 – one of the time slots of the H5II conference. This virtual conference is free to all, but we will be asking for donations during the meeting to cover costs. The science and management part of the conference starts at 1 pm on Wednesday, September 16 and ends at 4 pm. There is an hour break and then, starting at 5-7pm, we will have a virtual kegger hosted by Liz Davy. She will auction off items, conduct a very quick members meeting, and provide the WPEF community a chance to socialize in this time of pandemic. It should be loads of fun, and Liz guarantees huge whitebark smiles for all. The program of this web-based conference includes three hours of science and management talks on three topics: status of the National Whitebark Pine Restoration Plan, and climate change in high elevation ecosystems, and post-fire dynamics in upper subalpine forests. Experts in these fields are preparing exciting talks for the High 5 community. Please put this one-of-a-kind event on your calendar.

View or Download Conference Abstracts

NWPRP Background & Status (Diana Tomback & Eric Sprague)
Crown of Continent Ecosystem core area nomination process (Melissa Jenkins)
NPS core area nomination process (Jonathan Nesmith et al.)
Climate adaptation and vulnerability of H5 species (Andy Hansen)
Using simulation modeling to aid in restoration planning (Katie Ireland)
Post-fire forest structure and regeneration in southwestern mixed conifer forests: implications for P. strobiformis (Kristin Waring)
Fire and 5-needle pine recovery strategies in northern ecosystems: drivers of post-fire natural regeneration (Vern Peters)

Tentative Program Schedule


Wednesday, September 16, 2020


1:00-1:10Welcome and Hello with WPEF Director Rob Mangold
1:10-1:20Fundraising & donations with Liz Davy
Special Session on the National Whitebark Pine Restoration Plan (Diana Tomback Moderator)
1:20- 1:35NWPRP Background & Status (Diana Tomback & Eric Sprague)
1:35- 1:50Crown of Continent Ecosystem core area nomination process (Melissa Jenkins)
1:50- 2:05NPS core area nomination process (Jonathan Nesmith et al.)
2:05- 2:20BLM Montana core area nomination process (Emily Guiberson & Ken Reed)
2:20- 2:30Whitebark pine genome project (David Neale)
2:30- 2:45Break for 15 minutes
Climate Change and High Elevation Five-Needle Pine Ecosystems (Bob Keane Moderator)
2:45- 3:00Climate adaptation and vulnerability of H5 species (Andy Hansen)
3:00-3:15Using simulation modeling to aid in restoration planning (Katie Ireland)
Post-fire recovery of high elevation five-needle pine ecosystems (Alina Cansler Moderator)
3:15- 3:30Post-fire forest structure and regeneration in southwestern mixed conifer forests: implications for P. strobiformis (Kristin Waring)
3:30- 3:45Fire and 5-needle pine recovery strategies in northern ecosystems: drivers of post-fire natural regeneration (Vern Peters)
3:45- 4:00Repeat photography from the Mountain Legacy photo project: how forests surrounding five-needle pine stands have changed over time (Chris Stockdale)
4:00- 5:00Break for an Hour
The WPEF Virtual Keg Party (Liz Davy Host)
5:00- 5:15Liz Davy welcomes everyone and explains the purpose of this virtual party
5:15- 5:45Rob Mangold hosts the 2020 WPEF members meeting (Reports on Membership, Treasurer, Conferences, etc.)
5:45- 6:30Live auction of items using the "Chatbox"
6:30- 7:00Social Gathering with Participants
7:00 PMEvent Concludes

Auction Items available at 5 pm Social

We would appreciate any donation you can make to help us cover the cost of the Zoom Webinar software and meeting planning expenses!

WPEF Virtual Conference Donation