Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation (WPEF)

We are a science-based non-profit dedicated to counteracting the decline of whitebark pine and enhancing knowledge about the value of its ecosystems.


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Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation
PO Box 17943
Missoula, Montana 59808

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Free Community Webinar- High Five Pines and the Communities they Bind

As part of the H5II Conference, we will open our doors (virtually) to our larger community and conference attendees to share our interest in high elevation ecosystems. Our community event will feature presentations on the importance of high five pines in natural history, adventure sports, and native cultures.


High Five Pines include whitebark pine, limber pine, Great Basin & Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine, foxtail pine, and Southwestern white pine.


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Presenters Include:

Nancy Bockino, Northern Rockies Conservation Cooperative & NPS Partner, Ecologist and Mountain Ski and Climbing Guide




Nancy Bockino began working as a field ecologist studying bird, lynx, fox, wolves and whitebark pine in the early 1990’s. This love of whitebark pine has grown into two decades of dedicated work in partnership with Grand Teton National Park. The program includes the conservation of seed trees through the use of beetle deterrent pheromones, contributions of seed and pollen to a regional genetic restoration program, and extensive monitoring of rust infection, mountain pine beetle activity, and whitebark pine mortality and recruitment. Nancy holds a B.S. in Wildlife Resources from the University of Idaho and an M.S. in Botany from the University of Wyoming. Nancy embodies the heart, soul, and engine of whitebark pine conservation. She keeps close watch over the precious trees traveling the Tetons nearly every day as a whitebark field ecologist, Exum mountain guide and a professional avalanche instructor.


Mike Durglo, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, Tribal Historic Preservation Department Head & Climate Change Leader






Mike Durglo has been a leader in climate change work for nearly a decade. He facilitated the development of a Flathead Reservation Climate Change Strategic Plan for the Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes. He has shared his experience and knowledge of climate adaptation planning at workshops and seminars throughout the US and Canada. After completing the plan, he continued to build on the work by diving deep into the perspectives of the elders and integrating traditional knowledge into the plan.

In 2016, Mike received the White House Champion of Change award and in 2017, Mike received the Climate Leadership Award for Natural Resources.


Gretchen Baker, Great Basin National Park, Ecologist, Writer, and Photographer






Gretchen Baker spends her days working as the ecologist at Great Basin National Park. At night she heads back to the high country to capture the magic of high elevation five-needle pines under the dark Great Basin skies.

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